FRAM’s World is a small section dedicated to what inspires us.
If you like our jewellery, you’ll hopefully like a little bit of our world too.
Freddie Strickland, Landscape and Gardening Design
FRAM met Freddie at Portobello Market and struck up a friendship almost immediately due to a common love of Cornwall where Freddie had studied and lived.
Sharing a love for Cornwall is immensely bonding by all means, but Freddie’s dedication to horticulture, sustainability and the outdoors, both land and sea, made us appreciate the patience and focus he has when working with nature. FRAM feels a bit rushed at times so the gentle art of tending to a young plant is quite foreign to us.
Freddie’s Instagram is a joy and inspiration to follow and always brings a smile to our face.
We have high hopes for Freddie’s Landscaping and Gardening talents. The world needs more people like him, tending so mindfully to the earth we live on.
The Arctic Hideaway
It’s no secret FRAM loves all things Arctic; from stories of dare-devil explorers past and present, via great stretches of remote Nordic wilderness to the wondrousness of the Northern Lights. So when we came across the Arctic Hideaway we realised it pretty much ticks all the boxes that make us vibrate with joy.
The 10-house village, designed by award-winning architects, is owned by a handful of visionaries together with the Municipality of Gildeskal and offers what Norway does best: nature, freedom and adventure. OK, it’s super remote and there’s nothing on the island so it’s not for everyone but then we wouldn’t want everyone to go.
Deep down FRAM wants a place like this for the weekend…
Photo: @melissawrote
Chloe Rosetta Bell, Artist-Researcher and wonderful Potter
We’ve never met Chloe but we own some of her wonderful hand-made clay oyster bowls, crafted on the Isle of Wight, where she lives, which in itself sounds like a dream.
Though primarily focussed on clay, Chloe examines the livelihoods that are (co-)dependent on a specific landscape, such as an oyster, and transforms or interprets these into her work whereby each pot or bowl becomes a celebration of that particular landscape. It’s earthy and serene.
She’s won awards, held exhibitions, been written about in various articles so it’s no wonder her work is often sold out!
We suggest you visit her website or Instagram account, you might get lucky!
It can easily be said that Cornwall is Europe’s richest garden county with Tregothnan being its largest, historic botanical garden and private working estate. Rare plants and especially the tea producing Camellia sinensis were introduced some 700 years ago and have thrived ever since, thanks to Cornwall’s micro-climate. The rich Fal Estuary flows through the estate, allowing Tregothnan to produce the most British grown tea in history!
So if you like tea as much as we do then you simply MUST take a little time to discover their range as well as the over-delicious jams, marmalades and Manuka honey - all home grown!
Photo: Mark Lord
FRAM Museum, Oslo
FRAM’s inspiration and namesake!
This wonderful museum almost seems like it’s made especially for us! Not only does it honour Norwegian polar exploration in general but it tells the fascinating story of three Norwegian polar explorers in particular - Fridtjof Nansen, Otto Sverdrup and Roald Amundsen, all of whom are sincerely worth reading about. They’re also really quite handsome to look at…
The museum’s triangular shape is because it is centred around the original exploration vessel FRAM (commissioned, designed and built by Scots-Norwegian shipbuilder Colin Archer - but that’s an entirely different FRAM-crush). Incidentally, “fram” means “go forth” in Norwegian. We think that’s appropriate for all ships as well as our business, and so FRAM was born.
Beppe Kessler, Art Jeweler, Visual Artist and painter
It’s very difficult to summarise Beppe's enormous career and enormous is not an exaggeration!
Graduating from the Gerrit Rietveld Academie in 1979 with a degree in textile art and industrial textile design, she gradually moved towards painting and jewellery, the latter making her internationally successful. Her works incorporate cheap and widely available materials such as PVC, rubber bands, wood, alabaster, stone and linen, which doesn’t mean her art is inexpensive but it certainly means it‘s affordable! And colourful and fun. And innovative and just great.
Her work is included in the collections of many influential museums worldwide such as the Rijksmuseum, the Victoria and Albert Museum, the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston and the Cooper Hewitt, to name but a few.
BUT, FRAMs favourite piece is called Alles Komt Goed (Everything Will Be OK), made in 2020, which seems highly appropriate. FRAMs nickname for this piece is Happy Wobbly Eggs and we’re only saying that to highlight that they wobble - and who wouldn’t want an insanely happy, colourful, wobbly, egg with a very strong pedigree?!
Beppe is also FRAMs aunt so we’re hoping all that talent has been transferred somehow but we fear the worst….
Micha Cattaui, Industrial Visual Artist
There is something wonderfully refreshing about Micha’s work because it’s both politically and a-politically unfiltered. It’s also very clever. And sarcastic, confronting and, at times, full of humour. And very big.
His work is represented by Miko Mayer Gallery in Cologne, Germany although Micha more frequently exhibits in Greece, where he lives and works.
FRAM has been a big fan of Micha’s work for a long time as we love creative and witty people. So we suggest you head over to his Instagram @micha_cattaui and get acquainted!
Tobias Birch, Horologist and Clock dealer
There is something soothing and reassuring about the gentle, rhythmic tick of a longcase clock in the hall or mantel clock on a fireplace. Our lives may at times feel frantic and rushed but time passes as it always has.
Tobias has spent his entire career working with clocks, a passion which started as a teenager in his grandfather’s clock shop. FRAM finds this particularly lovely.
Tobias specialises in acquiring the very best English clocks from the 17th to 19th century along with very fine, interesting and complicated modern clocks.
He also helps collectors grow and improve their collections and has had the privilege of restoring some of the finest clocks in the world for museums and private clients. All in all, Tobias is the tops when it comes to clocks!
Yet whilst his world revolves around time Tobias is very bad at estimating how long a car journey will take, believing almost anywhere is only about an hour away!
Luke Warburton, acupuncturist
Needles not always be a bad thing, especially when gently and knowledgeably administered by Luke.
With his knowledge of both Eastern and Western medical theory, Luke’s approach is perfectly integrated to address root causes of ailments that can occur from our modern lifestyles. And we all suffer from those!
Based in both London and Hastings, Luke is your man.